
About us

AfriTech Organic Leather is a social enterprise focused on promoting the production of leather and leather products in a way that is sustainable, ethical, and environmentally conscious through advocating the use of non-toxic tanning processes, sourcing leather from ethical and sustainable suppliers, and ensuring fair labor practices for employees. The ultimate goal of this social enterprise is to contribute to environmental sustainability through enabling SMEs produce leather sustainably.


History & background

AfriTech Organic Leather was founded in [2021] by Cecilia China with the aim of enabling SMEs engaging in leather processing produce high quality leather in a sustainable manner through technology transfer mechanism. [Founder(s)] recognized the need for upgrading traditional technology of leather processing that produced poor quality leather that can’t compete in the market, hence depriving them from economic gains, and wanted to make a positive impact in their community by research on the appropriate method to upgrade the traditional technologies. Since its founding, AfriTech Organic Leather has grown and evolved into a successful social enterprise, making significant contributions to the technology upgrading to a cluster of 15 SMEs in Mwanga district, Kilimanjaro region. The company has received recognition for its innovative solutions, sustainable business practices, and impact on the community.
Over the years, AfriTech Organic Leather has partnered with a variety of organizations and individuals, including Commission of Science and Technology (COSTECH), Tanzania Industrial Research and Development Organization (TIRDO) and Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology (NM-AIST) to expand their reach and maximize their impact. Through these collaborations, the company has been able to innovate a method of producing organic tanning agent from locally available tree species and obtain a patent for this technology. The feasibility study to commercialize this technology has also been done and the costing for establishing factories to produce these tanning agents is established. Despite the challenges faced by social enterprises, AfriTech Organic Leather has remained committed to its mission and has continued to grow and thrive. With a dedicated team of 5 employees, the company is poised to continue making a positive impact in the community for years to come.

Management team

Cecilia China PhD.
Frank Baguma
Neema Mtenga
Marketing Officer
Amir Mshana
Technical Officer